Use this page to set how an identity number should be generated when you create a new Applicant or Recruitment Requisition.
The key identities are Requisition ID, which is represented by Column Name REQUISITION_ID and Applicant ID, which is represented by Column Name APPLICANT_ID.
Under Automatic Generation, select the option 'Yes' to generate the ID values automatically or 'No' to enter ID values manually. If this option is set to 'Yes', the system automatically assigns ID values sequentially based on Next Value when registering a new Recruitment Requisition or New Applicant. Only numerical values can be included for automatic generation. When this option is set to 'No', the generation of Next Value will not work and any value can be entered manually as the ID in the relevant page, including non-numerical values. Note: Changing to manual/automatic might cause errors when saving the record (no unique ID).
Note: This is a company dependent page. You can define different setups according to the company, only for Requisition ID. The setup of Applicant ID generation will work as company independent as the Applicant page is a company independent page.
Columns in this page will be activated only after a relevant page gets its first ID registered.
Requistion ID and Applicant ID generation will be based on the setup in this page.