Cycle Pattern

A Cycle Pattern is used for creating a pattern of occurrences for a Recurring Service. The Recurring Service occurrences are related to the Recurring Service Program Occurrences in the Program Schedule. A cycle pattern is needed when the Recurring Service Occurrence Interval cannot fully describe how the occurrences should be related to the Program Schedule occurrences. The cycle pattern starts at the first valid Program Occurrence. Valid Recurring Scope Occurrences are the Program Occurrences inside the period defined by Recurring Scope Valid From and Valid To.

When an irregular cycle pattern is desired (settings of the Cycle Parameters are not enough to reach the desired pattern of generable occurrences in the cycle) occurrences in the cycle can manually be set to generate or not by changing the Generable Yes/No in the Occurrences in Cycle. When manual changes exist only the Cycle Size of the Cycle Parameters affects the Occurrences in Cycle, all other cycle parameters' effect are excluded. The Reset To Cycle Parameters action resets the Occurrences in Cycle to follow the Cycle Parameters, thus it resets all manual changes.

A few examples of when a cycle pattern is needed: