Recurring Service Package

A Recurring Service Package serves as a template for Recurring Service Programs, by simplifying the creation of the program.

Defining a Recurring Service Package

When several services are sold to the customer as one combined package, it is called a Service Package. And when this service package is offered in a recurrent basis, then it is called a Recurring Service Package. A package can recur either Calendar-based or cumulative Usage-based or both.

Examples of Recurring Service Packages:

Optionally, user can define a validity period for the Recurring Service Package, indicating a time period for which it is allowed to be used to create a Recurring Service Program. If Valid From/To dates are kept blank it will be valid always.

Additionally, the Service Organizations who are eligible to offer the recurring service package must be defined in relation to a Recurring Service Package. The services connected to the recurring service package must be connected to the selected service organizations and the Validation against the organizations must be in OK status to be able to create Recurring Service Programs using the Recurring Service Package. When not all the services connected to the recurring service package are valid for selected organizations, the Validation against such Service Organizations indicates Error.

Also a recurring service package can be created by copying an existing package as well.

Staus of the Recurring Service Package

The recurring service package can have one of the following states;

Create Recurring Service Program using a Recurring Service Package 

There can be multiple Recurring Service Programs created from a single Recurring Service Package. The recurring service package is connected while creating the program using the New Recurring Service Program Assistant. The Service Organization, ServiceTriggers (Recurrence Pattern) are automatically fetched from the package while the Recurring Service Scopes for the program will be created using Services from the package upon finishing the assistant.

Once the Service Scopes are created, user can add the relevant service objects, contract line information accordingly.