Request Management

This description is divided into following sections

Service organization

Service Organization is the organization that owns the request. It also offers services defined in the service catalog. There should be one or many branches defined on service organization to handle the sales, work ownership and the delivery of work.


Branch is responsible for execution, delivery and sales of the request. When Site is connected to a service organization it referred as a branch. Branch can be setup as default delivery, default owning and default sales.
During the work task creation, default owning branch act as a work task site and default delivery branch act as the maint org side. The default sales branch governs the sales part site of the request. It is also limited to have branches belongs to one company in a service organization

Service User Groups

Viewing a request is controlled via the service user group

Request Handling

Request Initiation

Request can be initiated manually or via a recurring service program. During the initiation, a service from the service catalog and Service object can be selected along with other information. Request scope is created for each service added to the request. During the request creation, work tasks are automatically created with the dependencies based on the setup of the service item in the Service catalog.

If the scope is not covered by a contract line, then the work tasks, then price rule information and the SLA information is fetched to the scope based on the service catalog setup.


IIf the scope is covered by a contract, then the work tasks are created based on the service catalog setup and Price rule and the SLA offering is fetched from the contract line.


Since the work tasks are automatically created based on the service catalog setup, the manual preparation is not required. However, manually preparation can be done adding work tasks to the scope if required.


Works Tasks can be allocated manually or via PSO. To allocate, work task should be in released status. Work assignment are created during the dispatch process. Refer AboutPSO.


Execution is done mainly via the mobile.

Invoicing and Closure

The sales lines generated are invoice via the request.

Status Handling

Basic statuses of the request and it’s connected entities are as below,

Request Request Scope Work Task Work Assignments
New New New Assigned
Released Released Released Accepted
Started Started Work Started On-Route
Completed Completed Work Done Waiting at Location
Closed Closed Finished Work Started
Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled Pending Completion

Some status change actions drive the business process and changes the statuses of other entities as below

Release Scope
Release Work tasks
Release Material Orders
Create PRs
Actual Fixed Price sales lines are created

Start Work Task
Start Request Scope
Start Request

Set Work Task work done
Complete Request Scope
Complete Request

Close Request Scope
Finish Work Tasks

Price Handling

Price Rule:

Price rule can setup as a basic data. It can have multiple rule lines defined for different Sales Groups, Cost Types and if not both, a default line for All other. Then the rule can be connected to the service in the service catalog (for generic pricing) and Contract for (special pricing for the customer).

When the quick setup option is Free of Charge, a price rule line appears with a value of 0 for the revenue percentage. When it’s a Fixed Price, a price rule line appears with again 0 for the revenue percentage, but require a sales part to be defined, where the price defined in the sales part is fetched as the fixed price, when the price rule is applied. When the quick setup option is Usage Based, the revenue percentage will become 100, to indicate that the total usage cost will be charged from the customer.

If a quick setup is not adequate for defining specific price rule lines, the normal setup can be used. There are three types of price rule lines that can be defined through the normal setup; Sales Group, Cost Type and All Other. The Sales Group type price rule lines require a sales group to be defined with a percentage of revenue. The Cost Type price rule lines requires specifying a cost type, which can either be, Personnel, Material, External, Expenses and Tool/Equipment. Sales for cost types are defined on the work task level and it is created due to reported transactions. The All Other type price rule line is the default, single and compulsory price rule line covering all other prices, that are not covered through any other specific price rule line.

Price Rule on Request/Scope:

Fixed Price:

Other Sales:

Evaluation Criteria:

To pick the correct rule line, the Sales/planning line is first evaluated for sales part’s “Sales Group” and then the “Cost type”. If there is no price rule line defined for above criteria's, the default rule line defined for “All Other’ is considered

Application of Rule:

Rules on rule lines are applied on planning and sales as per in the above table. Basically, the fixed prices are automatically created due to price rule lines which are defined as ‘Include fixed prices.
For other sales (planning and actual) the revenue% and markup is set as per the rule. The sales price (in cost based scenario) and the sales amount is calculated considering the markup% and revenue %.

In order for the usage-based price rule lines to work smoothly, it is convenient to setup the sales parts to be fetched automatically to the planning lines on the work tasks. For that, the resources and the materials that are required during the work task flow, needs to be connected to sales parts in the relevant branches. It is also possible to manually define the sales parts in planning or sales lines in the work tasks.

Rule on Price Rule line Applicability for Fixed Price Applicability for Other Sales (Planning and Actual)
1. Include in Fixed Price Fixed Price line is created with defined sales part Sales is not considered for revenue
[Revenue % is set as zero]
2. Cost based with markup % N/A Sales price is calculated based on Cost
[Sales price = Cost ( Markup % + 1 )]
3. Revenue % N/A Sales in based on the defined revenue

Price Logic:

When fetching the sales prices and discounts, the price logic is applied considering agreements, price lists etc.

Site Handling

During the Request logging, the service organization is set as the owner of the request.

Then to handle the sales, the branch set as default sales branch is saved in request level. The sales branch is then inherited to the scope and the sales part site should be always same as the sales branch on request. (For now, Sales branch is not allowed to change manually)

During the automatic work task creation, the default owning branch is set as the work task site and default delivery branch and it’s delivery unit set as Maint org site and maint org of the task. Then if the work task is manually created, the WT site and the MO site should be a site that are registered as branches of the service org as well as sites that are allowed for the logged in user.

Access Handling

In service process the access control is mainly handled on request level, work task level and sales level.

Creation of Request:

Creation of request is not restricted and any FND user can create a request and view the created request (For example, a B2B customer technicians also can log a request) i.e. they can create request for any service organization.

Handling Request:

However, to further view and handle request the user should be connected to the service organization (this is mainly for the contact agents, service managers, billing argents who view information on request level) Therefore the person who connected to the service organization can view the request owned by the organization

Handling Work Task:

Then in dispatching and execution where the work task is handled, the work task site should be registered as a user allowed site in-order to view and create work tasks (When automatic work task creation in logging this should be bypassed – not in 2020R1 release)

Handling Sales and Price information

SLA Handling

Service Level Package

Service levels that the service provider offer can be defined in Service level package. The Service level package indicates the respond and resolution time for each work stage in the package. It also indicates the scheduling parameters for each service level lines.

Request SLA Template

Service level packages can be connected to the Request SLA template and the templates can be offer via the Contract line, Service or Service Organization.


Modify Scope

Request scope might have to be modified due to various reasons such as, mistakes happened during request logging, wrong information received from the customer, technician during execution identifying a difference which affects the scope etc. Special handling of scope change is required since modifying the Service, Object,Contract effects many other underlying flows.

Modify Service/Object

Service, Object or both can be modified if Request Scope is in status New, Released or Started status. If Service, object or both are modified the existing Scope gets cancelled and a new Scope gets created with modified information. If the Work Tasks connected to the existing Scope can be automatically cancelled, then those tasks would get cancelled automatically once Scope is modified. But if the Work Tasks connected to the existing Scope need a manual decision about how it should be handled then those Work Tasks will be moved to new Scope when the existing Scope is Modified. When cancelling the Work Tasks automatically, all underlying connections such as allocations, requisitions will also get cancelled. Sales lines of the moved Work Tasks will be updated with Price Rule applicable for the new Scope unless they have already been invoiced before moving. Actual Fixed Prices reported via a Price Rule will only move to new Scope if it has been considered for invoicing (invoice preview/invoice created) and Price Source 'Price Rule' is changed to 'Manual' before moving. However Manually reported Actual Fixed Prices will always move to new Scope. Highest status of the Work Tasks connected to the New Scope would be the status of the New Scope as well.

Modify Contract

Contract can be modified at any stage before closing the Request. Once Contract is modified Scope, Work Tasks and Pricing will also be modified accordingly.



Applicability on Service

Services in the service catalog can be defined commonly for any type of asset. However, if service is not offered generally for all type of assets, then the specific asset applicability can be defined on the service by defining sets using one or combination of two grouping criteria’s used to group assets. (for Asset defined as Equipment Objects, the available grouping criteria’s are Manufacture, Object type, Category).

In Request Initiation applicability will be automatically applied according to the defined grouping criteria in Service and Object/Product connected to the Scope.

Applicability on Standard Tasks of Service

Standard Tasks connected to the service item can be defined commonly for any type of asset. However, if Standard Task is not offered for all services generally for all type of assets in the service execution, then the specific asset applicability can be defined on the Standard Task connection by defining sets using one or combination of two grouping criteria’s used to group assets.

In automatic task creation when initiating the Request, connected Standard Tasks will be filtered according to the defined grouping criteria in Standard Task connection and Object/Product.

Applicability on Standard Task

Requirements (work steps, materials, resources, certificate and competency) in Standard Task can be defined commonly for any type of asset. However, if a Standard Task requirement is not suitable for all for all type of assets, then the specific asset applicability can be defined on the Standard Task requirement by defining sets using one or combination of two grouping criteria’s used to group assets.

Work Steps, Materials, Resources, Competency and Certificates will be created using filtered records according to grouping criteria in Standard Task and Object/Product.