Request SLA Management


Setting Up of SLA’s

Service Level Package

A Service Level Package contains the details of the service levels offered by a service provider company.

Statuses of the Service Level Package

A Service Level Package can have the statuses; Preliminary, Active, Obsolete and Cancelled; as explained below:

Service Level Package Status Description
Preliminary This is the initial status the package receives upon creation, and also when revising an active package. It is possible to add or change Service Level Lines and Scheduling Lines.
Active An active package can be connected to a Request SLA Template. No changes are allowed on Service Lines, but changes are allowed on Scheduling Lines. This package may not be revised, if used in a Request SLA Template.
Obsolete This status indicates that the package should no longer be used. An active package can be obsoleted, if it is not used in a Request SLA Template. No further changes are allowed.
Cancelled A preliminary or an active package can be cancelled, when, for example, if it was created erroneously. No further changes are allowed.

Service Level Lines

Service Level Lines are defined for different work stages that needs to be carried out, in order to fulfil a requirement for a Service. For each Work Stage, a Service Level Line can include; the expected Response Times, the expected Resolution Times and Cut-off Times for each working day, as explained below:

A Service Level Line can also contain the required scheduling data. The initial Service Line is specified as the default, but can be changed to a different line, later. On each Service Level Line, date calculation can be defined to be based on either Base Date or Previous Task, as explained below:

Service Level Line Scheduling

Scheduling Lines can be defined for each Service Level Line and a Scheduling Type is mandatory. The first line defined will be considered as the primary scheduling line but can be changed later.

Request SLA Templates

A Request SLA Template is a template that can be used to specify the service level agreements between the service provider and the customer. It can contain one or more Service Level Packages, specified for each of the service provider company.

A Request SLA Template with active Service Level Packages, can be connected to either a Contract Line, a Service or a Service Organization.


Application of SLA’s

When creating new Requests

When a Request is created to fulfill a customer requirement for a Service, if there is a connected SLA Template, then a Request Service Level Agreement, will be automatically created. The connection to an SLA Template can be established through either the connected Contract Line, the Service or the Service Organization. In a situation where different SLA Templates are connected to the Contract Line, the Service or the Service Organization; then a priority order is considered for the selection of the most relevant SLA Template. The top priority is given to the SLA Template connected to the Contract Line. Then the next priority is given to the SLA Template connected to the Service and the least priority is given to the SLA Template connected to the Service Organization.

When adding new Request Scopes

When creating a new Scope either during the Request creation process or later, if there is a connected SLA Template, a Request Scope SLA Order will be automatically generated. This SLA Order will get connected as a child order to the Request Service Level Agreement, which gets generated for the whole Request. Once created the SLA Order will get the status Active.

For the SLA Order, the Order Lines and the Schedule Lines are created based on the relevant Service Level Package connected to the SLA Template. The Latest Start Date and Latest Finish Date of each Order Line, representing the deadlines to respond and resolve each work stage,  is calculated based on the values; Response Time, Resolution Time, Cut-off Time, Calendar and, the date calculation basis; that are defined in the corresponding Service Level Line on the Service Level Package. The Schedule Lines will be used to create schedules, when applicable.

The Request will start display a label SLA, with time to respond. As the time passes, if the SLA Latest Start Date is passed without being responding, then the label changes to display the overdue information.

When starting work on a new Work Stage

When a work task gets started, i.e. when the work task gets status Work Started; if that work task represents the start of a unique work stage, then the Responded Date of that work stage in the SLA Order Line will get updated automatically. If the work task does not have a work stage defined, then the default SLA Order Line will be connected to that work task. When such a work task gets started, the Responded Date of the default SLA Order Line will get automatically updated, if it doesn’t have a value yet.

Once the first work task has started, then the label SLA in the Request, will change to display the time to resolve the work required to complete the total Scope. As the time passes, if the SLA Latest Finish Date for the whole Scope is passed without being able to resolve all the work, then the label changes to display the overdue information.

When finishing work on a Work Stage

When a work task gets completed, i.e. when the work task gets status Work Done; if that work task represents the end of a unique work stage, then the Resolved Date of that work stage in the SLA Order Line will get updated automatically. If the completed work task does not have a work stage defined, then the Resolved Date of the default SLA Order Line will be automatically updated, if there are no more unfinished work tasks connected to the default SLA Order Line.

Once the Resolved Date of an SLA Order Line is updated, the SLA Latest Start and SLA Latest Finish dates of the Following SLA Order Lines will be re-calculated based upon the Resolved Date. The lable SLA in the Request will change the display to show the updated information.

When all work tasks belonging to a Request Scope are completed, then the SLA Order will get Closed automatically. Also, the SLA Order can get Closed, when the Request Scope is Cancelled. However, it is not possible to manually close an SLA Order.

When the SLA Order is Closed then the Request will show a label as SLA Order Closed.