Perform this activity to enter new resource shifts manually. This is
usually done when shifts needs to be added to the already existing shift
plan. Entering a new resource shifts can be performed in the Resource
Availability page or the Add Shift dialogue in the Resource Shifts Gantt
page. Note that it is not possible to enter shifts or breaks that are
overlapping in date and time.
If new shifts or breaks has been
manually entered, then shift deviations of type: "New" is created as well as
a corresponding capacity records to reflect the added capacity. If the shift
deviation is then removed, the deviation record as well as the record in
capacity is entirely deleted, as the newly created shift did not exist in
the resource's base schedule originally.
The Account Date
field determines where the resource avalibility belongs to and is mandatory
for a shift. It is usually the same date as the shift start date, but it is
possible to select another date within the shift start and shift end date.
This can be applicable for overnight shifts as an example. When the record
is saved it is not possible to update the account date.
In the Add
Shift dialogue it is possible to use a resource shift type as a template for
the new shift. The start and end time of the shift and break is possible to
update even if a resource shift type is used. Using this dialogue, the
account date will be automatically defaulted to the shift start date. For
overnight shifts the account date can be defined by selecting the account
date source: Shift Start or Shift End.
If a resource shift type is used, it must exist.
This activity creates shift deviations as well as updating capacity
records. The shift deviation record holds the information of new start and
finish time, when the shift deviation was created and by whom, as well as
the keeping the information about the original shift.