Enter Sales Charge Type


The information entered here can be seen as default values, i.e., you have the possibility to alter these values at a later time when entering the customer order. However, before entering the different charge types, you need to enter the sales charge groups or use charge groups that already exist.

A charge group is used for putting charge types into different categories and is entered on Sales Charge Group page. In this page you should enter the sales charge types and connect each one to the appropriate sales charge group.

For instance, this could mean that you have a charge group called 'Freight' with different forwarding agents (charge types) connected to it. The charge type is then possible to use on the charge line on a customer order.

If you want the charge to be described in a specific language, you can enter the proper language code and description on the lower part of the page.

Note that the information entered here is unique per site and charge type combination, meaning that each site must have its own charges entered. In accounting, it is possible to rule postings for the same.

For example, if Company A has entered the charge type 'Freight' for Site 1, Site 2, etc., it is possible to setup postings for the unique combination of site and charge type. Therefore, the user can for example, setup two different code part values (e.g. two accounts) for Freight + Site 1 and Freight + Site 2.


A sales charge group, with desired charge type category, must have been entered on the Sales Charge Group page.

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