Enter Assortment Node Based Sales Price List Lines


This activity is used to define prices and discounts per assortment node within a price list. Prices per assortment nodes are used in handling prices on a larger scale. In assortment node-based pricing, generalized prices are introduced for an assortment node as a whole instead of per individual part. Prices per assortment nodes can be defined only for part-based sales price lists and not for unit-based price lists.

The price list line will be valid primarily until the valid-to date specified for the line or secondarily if a new sales price list line with a later valid-from date has been entered for the same part.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled in the Sales Price List/General section, the Sales Price field on the Assortment Node Based tab represents the sales price value including tax.

Sales parts existing on at least one of the valid sites can be viewed by clicking on an assortment node line, and then clicking Sales Parts.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

One or more assortment node-based sales price list lines are added to the sales price list.