Enter Deal per Sales Group Discount


This activity is used to change the discount-per-deal-per-sales group line. You can remove, add or change discount lines, and in this way modify the total discount for the deal-per-sales-group line. This activity also enables you to work with multiple discounts, i.e., compose the total deal-per-sales group line discount from combining several different types of discounts.

If a discount is specified during the creation of the deal-per-sales group line, in the customer agreement, it is displayed as the top line in the lower part of the page. You can add a new discount line or remove an existing line. You can modify a discount line by changing the discount rate or the discount amount.

Please observe that if customer order lines receive discounts from this tab, information from Customer Agreement/General will not be considered for the line in question.


This activity has the following prerequisites;

System Effects

This activity has the following system effects;