About Packing Proposal

Packing Proposal can be used when you want the shipment line reservations to automatically be attached to optimal number of handling units of the optimal size. Rules and what handling unit types to use can be set up in the basic data page for Packing Proposal. The Packing Proposal can be set for Shipment Type and will then be fetched as default value for shipments created. The value can be changed in the Shipment page if needed.

Other concepts for automatic generation of packing in the shipment can only pack one shipment line per shipment handling unit, i.e., Pack according to Packing Instruction or Pack according to Handling Unit Capacity.

Pack according to Packing Proposal should be used when it is desired to create a proposed packing of multiple shipment lines into multiple shipment handling units to reach different goals, e.g., maximize the handling unit utilization or minimize the travel time and locations visited in the warehouse during picking.

For each shipment and pick list, a packing proposal is generated for multiple shipment lines, based on:

It is possible to balance and prioritize between goals like:

Pack according to Packing Proposal can be run as an Optional Event if enabled for events RESERVATION, CREATE PICK LIST or PRINT PICK LIST.

How the algorithm works

  1. It always starts with an attempt to pack all the remaining not packed quantities in the smallest handling unit type possible. If it doesn't fit in the biggest handling unit type it proceeds with bullet 2 for partial packing.
  2. Add biggest handling unit type to the shipment handling unit structure
  3. Sort the not packed quantities using the configured priorities:
    a) Descending Reservation Line Volume – box utilization
    b) Ascending Route Order – minimize travel time
  4. Pack parts to the handling unit in bullet 2 in sort order, using the configured packing method(s):
    a) By Source Object – meet customer requirement, e.g., by order
    b) By Reservation Line - keep lines together
    c) By Piece – box utilization
  5. If remaining quantity exists, go back to bullet 1


It is possible to configure the algorithm in several additional ways:

For Handling Unit Types to Use it's possible to set a Max Volume Utilization (%) percentage since it is not realistic that it will be possible to fill 100% of a handling unit. The Operative Volume Utilization shows the calculated volume that is the maximum to pack by the algorithm.

When method By Source Object is enabled, you can also configure if and how to mix orders in shipment handling units by choosing a setting in the Allow Mix Source Object:

When enabling option Exclude Fully Reserved Handling Units, the algorithm excludes shipment lines that has reserved all material in an inventory handling unit. It is expected that these handling units should be picked and moved into the shipment location separately.

In Inventory Part page there is an option called Exclude from Shipment Packing Proposal, located in the Weight, Volume and Quantities section on the Main tab. If the option is enabled then shipment lines for the part will be excluded and are expected to be attached manually to shipment handling units.

It is important to configure sort order. The algorithm packs most efficiently if sorted by Reservation Line Volume but it is possible to sort by Route Order as well if it is more important to minimize travelling while picking. However, in the latter case it's recommended to set Reservation Line Volume as Priority 2 as well.

Report Picking of Shipment Handling Units

Pick and pack the shipment handling unit as proposed using pack list, either along a conveyor belt or by traveling through the warehouse. Then report pick the proposed shipment handling unit from Report Picking of Pick List Lines page, tab Shipment Handling Units, or the Warehouse Data Collection process Report Picking of Shipment Handling Units.

If pick reporting by shipment handling unit, it's recommended to enable option Keep Remaining Reservation at Partial Picking for the Shipment Type. Otherwise reservations attached to multiple shipment handling units will be unattached and unreserved.
