About Supplier Invoice Enclosure

A supplier invoice enclosure is a document which is created for the purpose of disclosing information about calculated taxes on purchases. For some countries within the European Union it is a legal requirement to print and store a supplier invoice enclosure with the supplier invoice when goods are purchased from another country within the European Union. The same applies for the purchase of services with exception for some countries where the supplier invoice enclosures should be created when purchasing services from any country, both within and outside of the European Union.

In addition to information regarding calculated tax, detailed information such as the price, quantity and unit measure which are not included in the invoice can be printed on the invoice enclosure. Such information is fetched from IFS/Purchasing if the invoice lines have information about purchase order reference together with the part number or the charge type.  

Invoice enclosure and delivery types

The trade carried out within the European Union is categorized into many types that are reported separately. These types of trade are referred to as delivery types. In IFS Cloud, delivery types are also used to facilitate the creation of invoice enclosures for supplier invoices.

For an invoice enclosure to be created for a supplier invoice, the invoice must have at least one invoice line with a delivery type for which the Include in Invoice Enclosure is selected in the Delivery Types page.

It is necessary to specify an enclosure series ID in the Delivery Types page for a delivery type for which the Include in Invoice Enclosure is selected. As a result, all the invoice enclosures created using the delivery type will be sequentially numbered based on the number series defined for that enclosure series. Since all the invoice lines of an invoice are printed in one invoice enclosure, the system does not allow delivery types connected to different enclosure series IDs to be defined for the different invoice lines of the same invoice.


Creating and modifying a supplier invoice enclosure

An invoice enclosure would be automatically created for a supplier invoice if the invoice contains at least one invoice line with;

The invoice enclosure is created when the invoice is posted. When an invoice enclosure is created for a supplier invoice, the Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes command is enabled in the Manual Supplier Invoice page.

The information in an invoice enclosure such as the price, the price in accounting currency, price unit of measure, and quantity can be modified in the Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes as long as the invoice enclosure is not printed.

The delivery type of an enclosure line cannot be changed in the Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes, but it can be changed in the corresponding invoice line in the Manual Supplier Invoice page subject to following conditions:


Printing a supplier invoice enclosure

There are three ways in which you can print an invoice enclosure.

When an invoice enclosure is printed, the Printed field will be automatically selected in both the Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes window and the Invoice Enclosures - EU Taxes Analysis page. An invoice enclosure can be reprinted if necessary. To ensure that the same information that was originally printed would be reprinted, the system does not allow any modifications to be made to the information on an invoice enclosure once it is printed.

An invoice enclosure is automatically assigned an enclosure number once it is printed. This is assigned based on the number series defined for the enclosure series ID specified for the delivery type(s) of the supplier invoice lines. (Refer Delivery Types section). The enclosure number does not change when an invoice enclosure is reprinted.

It is not possible to print the invoice enclosure of an invoice which has been cancelled, but if the invoice has been cancelled after the invoice enclosure has been printed, it would be possible to reprint the invoice enclosure.