Cancel Supplier Invoice


Use the Cancel Supplier Invoice activity to cancel an unpaid supplier invoice. If the payment has been recorded, it must be canceled before the invoice can be canceled. Afterwards, the invoice can be re-entered with the same invoice identity.


In order to perform this activity, a supplier invoice with status PrelPosted or Posted must exist.

System Effects

A voucher that reverses the postings previously made for the invoice is created and the invoice status is changed to Canceled. The invoice number can be reused for a new supplier invoice.

If the preliminary supplier invoice has been posted before the final posting, i.e., an I voucher and J voucher has been created, when you cancel the invoice, two separate reversal vouchers corresponding to the original I and J vouchers will be created.

When canceling an invoice that has been matched to a received purchase order line, a special check is made. If the purchase part of the matched order line is included in a supplier agreement using part step pricing, cumulative values for quantity and amount will be updated for the applicable period. If the matched purchase part or no-number part also belongs to a supplier assortment included in a supplier agreement, the cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period in the assortment step pricing. The current amount for the whole supplier agreement will also be updated in both cases.

When canceling a price adjustment invoice that has been matched to a purchase order line, a special check is made. If the purchase part of the matched order lineĀ  is included in a supplier agreement using step pricing, the cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period. If the matched purchase part or no-number part also belongs to a supplier assortment included in a supplier agreement, the cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period in the assortment step pricing. The current amount for the whole supplier agreement will also be updated in both cases.