Change Installment Plan - Supplier


This activity is used to divide the payment of the invoice into several payment occasions, or to adjust any discount per payment term. 

It is possible to divide a payment for a supplier invoice into several partial payments in the Supplier Invoice Installment Plan and Discounts dialog. You can delete, add, or edit planned payment lines here. To change the date of a planned payment, you need to delete the line and then enter a new line with the new date. The sum of amounts of the planned payment lines in the dialog must equal the gross amount of the invoice. For each installment of the invoice, you can specify interest and fine information by opening the Interest and Fine dialog. Interest and fine applies to installments when the installment payments are delayed.

If the supplier payment is to be made by check, a check handling code can be entered. The code states the sort order used when printing checks. If no check handling code is used, the sort order of the printing is set to the lowest level.

In the Check Recipient field, use the List of values to select Payee or Payment Institute. This value decides what name and address will be printed on the check. If Payment Institute is selected, the payment institute description and the address of the office that the cash account is connected to will be printed.

For regular suppliers you can connect a payment method and a payment address ID to an installment if a specific payment method and/or payment address shall be used in a payment proposal. For a one-time supplier, payment method and address ID can only be connected in the One-Time Specific Information dialog.

When new installments are created, the value from the supplier will be copied by default, but can later be changed.

Invoices, where withheld tax is reduced from the payment to be made to the supplier, will get a separate payment plan for the withheld tax amount. This payment plan line is created and authorized automatically when the invoice is posted and cannot be changed. The withheld tax would have been reduced from the supplier debt as a payment transaction at the same time the invoice was posted. For invoices containing withheld tax, any payment plan that might already exist when the invoice is posted will be reset. One payment plan line concerning the withheld tax and one payment plan line concerning the amount to be paid to the supplier will be suggested.  


An invoice with basic information such as supplier, invoice number, and amount must be in state Create or TaxWithheldPosted.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the original payment date and amount is divided into several occasions and amounts.

The payment method connected to an installment is included in the choice of payment methods when a supplier payment proposal is loaded. Both the payment method and the payment address of the installment are suggested when the installment is included in a payment proposal.