Create Outgoing Supplier Invoice


This activity is used to create an outgoing supplier invoice. Outgoing supplier invoices are used to invoice suppliers for services and other non-stock products. Reasons for creating an outgoing supplier invoice may include:

Enter the supplier ID in the Supplier field, and press Tab. Default values appear in the following field: Name, Currency, Inv. Address, Del. Address, Pay Term. Base Date, Payment Term, Due Date, Currency Rate and Supply Country. A default value also appears in the Tax Liability field. You can change the values in any of the fields, if required. Changing either the Delivery Address or the Supply Country will automatically update the Tax Liability. Save the invoice header and add the invoice lines. Enter a Sales Object or select from List of Values. Delivery Type, Tax Code, Tax Class and code string values will appear automatically. To enter a text line, enter either a predefined Text ID or just enter a text in the description. Save the invoice line and select Print Invoice.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, an outgoing supplier invoice is created. Modifications can be done to the invoice as long as it is not printed.