Enter More Supplier Invoice Information


This activity is used for entering morel information to a supplier invoice. It is usually not necessary to change the information found here for each individual invoice, however exceptions might exist depending on the company's working routines.

Predefined values for invoice type and delivery address in Enterprise/Company/Company as well as the default document address ID of the the supplier are automatically retrieved. A valid invoice type and an existing supplier invoice address ID should be entered in order to be able to save an invoice. If the supplier is a one-time supplier, the invoice address ID is automatically updated with the one-time address ID which will be connected in the One-Time Specific Information dialog. Preliminary and national bank codes are also automatically retrieved if these were defined in Enterprise/Supplier/Supplier. All values can be changed before a new invoice is saved.

Note: If the supplier invoice address ID and the delivery address ID are modified after the transaction has been fetched to the tax ledger, the address IDs and the tax number in the tax transaction are not updated with the new values.


In order to perform this activity, an invoice needs to be created, and basic information such as supplier and invoice number should be entered for the relevant invoice.

System Effects

The information entered here belongs to the supplier invoice you are currently working with. The more information is saved at the same time as the invoice.