Enter Supplier Invoice Posting


The Enter Supplier Invoice Posting activity is used for manual entry of cost postings that represent the invoice net amount. Cost postings can be entered directly when the invoices are entered, if they are known at that time. They can also be entered as final postings of previously entered and preliminarily posted supplier invoices.

For each direct invoice entry, i.e. with expense postings included, a voucher belonging to function group I is created. Postings for supplier liability and any tax are created via posting control for all supplier invoices. The expense postings are entered manually. 

For each preliminary posted invoice where final postings are added, a voucher belonging to function group J is created. This voucher automatically reverses the preliminary cost posted in the voucher created at preliminary entry. The expense postings are entered manually. 

You can also register a multi-company supplier invoice. This is useful when your company is to pay for an invoice but the cost should to be distributed to one or more affiliated companies. Multi-company supplier invoice vouchers created in the receiving companies belong to voucher group D.  A voucher created and connected to an invoice is placed in a hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules pending update to IFS/General Ledger. To view this voucher, Select View Vouchers on Manual Supplier Invoice page after posting the invoice.

It is possible to connect each posting line to a specific invoice line by manually entering an invoice line reference on your posting line. This option can be used if you prefer to enter invoice lines that closely resemble the lines of the invoice you have received from the supplier and if you want to have detailed cost posting information specified per invoice line.

Add new and enter an account in the posting line (Press Tab to display previously defined pre-posting). Enter any other code parts and enter an amount. The invoice is finally posted when the Balance field is zero (0). If you have connected each posting line to a specific invoice line by using the Line ID Ref field, the line balance of each invoice line must be zero (0) before the invoice is regarded as finally posted. If the costs should be distributed to other companies, change the suggested value in the Voucher Company field to the identity of the company where the costs should be posted.


System Effects

As a result of a direct invoice entry, the following postings are created:

  • If tax type is Tax, then IP3, Tax Received, Invoice
  • If tax type is Calculated Tax, then IP9, Tax Received, Calculated and IP10, Tax Disbursed, Calculated
  • If tax type is Use Tax, then IP3, Tax Received, Invoice and IP11, Use Tax

If the payment tax method is used, the account specified for posting type IP3 should be a preliminary account. Reallocation to the definitive account for tax received occurs when the invoice is paid.

As a result of a final invoice entry, the following postings are created:

  • If tax type is Tax, then IP3, Tax Received, Invoice
  • If tax type is Calculated Tax, then IP9, Tax Received, Calculated and IP10, Tax Disbursed, Calculated
  • If tax type is Use Tax, then IP3, Tax Received, Invoice and IP11, Use Tax

If the payment tax method is used, the account specified for posting type IP3 is a preliminary account. Reallocation to the definitive account for tax received occurs when the invoice is paid.