View External Supplier Invoice Load Information


Use this activity to get a general overview of all the load identities related to the loading of external supplier invoices. When a load has been selected, it is possible to right-click and launch a window that displays the invoices included in the load. The window displays all attributes associated with the header of an external supplier invoice. From this window, it is possible to open the window External Supplier Invoice Line Information  which displays the line information of  loaded invoices, and the window External Supplier Invoice Installment Information in which displays the installment information of the loaded invoices. Finally, from the window External Supplier Invoice Line Information, it is possible to launch either a window displaying invoice posting information or a window displaying invoice tax information.
These three levels thus supply the user with a complete set of information pertaining to external supplier invoice data for an external load.

The general overview window can also be used to:


Before viewing the external load information, the following must be done: 

System Effects

This activity makes it possible to display current external load identities, along with detailed information related to the external supplier invoices.