Post Invoice


The Post Invoice activity is used to create a voucher with postings for a supplier invoice.

The operation is only available if the Create Posting at Invoice Entry option in Enterprise/Company/Invoice tab is not enabled. This means that invoices that are entered into the system do not automatically create any vouchers when they are saved. Vouchers are created when the Post Invoice operation has been executed.

For an invoice containing at least one line with tax withholding lines connected, a voucher of function group U will be created immediately after the invoice is posted to a voucher of function group I. The withheld tax is then posted to a separate account and the supplier debt will be reduced with the same amount.

Select the Post in Manual Supplier Invoice page to post the invoice.


The operation is only available if the Create Posting at Invoice Entry option in the Enterprise/Company/Invoice tab is not enabled.

System Effects

As a result of this operation, a voucher connected to the actual invoice is created. 

If tax withholding lines have been defined for at least one invoice line, a separate voucher (function group U) will be created for the withheld tax and the supplier debt will be reduced by the same amount.

If the supplier invoice has at least one invoice line with a delivery type for which the Include in Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes option is enabled in the Delivery Types page, and for which a tax code belonging to the tax type Calculated Tax exists, a supplier invoice enclosure will be created.