Release Hold Installments for Payment


This activity is used to release the installment(s) which are on hold for payment.

To Release the Installment(s) using the Manual Supplier Invoice page, serach for the supplier invoices with On Hold Installment(s) and disable the OnHold option on installment line(s) to release the installment for payment.

To release the installment(s) using the Authorize Invoices for Payment page, search for the supplier invoice with On Hold Installment(s) and disable the OnHold option on installment line(s) to release the installment for payment.

Eventhough On Hold option is disabled, On Hold Reason will remain as it is, in the installment lines.


Status of the supplier installment line(s) should be OnHold/ PartlyPaidOnHold.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,