Supplier Invoicing

Description of process

The Supplier Invoicing process is used to enter and post supplier invoices, update the supplier ledger with supplier invoices created in an external (non-IFS) system, and view information on suppliers and supplier invoices.

The Supplier Invoicing process is divided into three processes:

Enter and Post Supplier Invoice

The Enter and Post Supplier Invoice process is used to enter basic invoice information, match supplier invoices with purchase orders, add final cost postings to invoices, authorize invoices for payment, and cancel supplier invoices. The process is divided into five sub processes.

The Arrival Entry sub process is used for the first basic registration of supplier invoices into the system. The Manual Supplier Invoice page is mainly used to enter supplier invoices when cost postings are known, and/or to enter preliminarily posted invoices.

The Match Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order sub-process is used to match supplier invoices with purchase order receipts and to make price changes for already matched purchase order lines. When matching is performed, the final cost postings for the received order lines are created automatically on the invoice, according to posting instructions that are connected to each order line. It is possible to use multicompany functionality when matching supplier invoices where your company is paying the total invoice but the purchase order lines belong to different companies. In this case, the costs related to each purchase order line are distributed to the correct companies. This sub-process requires that IFS Purchasing is installed and that purchase orders have been entered. The purchased goods must also be arrived and reported as received.

The Match Supplier Invoice with Sub Contract Payment Certificate sub-process is used to match supplier invoices with payment certificates issued for sub contracts. Sub contracts are required to be entered in the supplier invoice to have the possibility of matching the invoice with the payment certificates issued for the sub contract. This sub process requires that IFS Contract Management is installed and that sub contacts are entered. The sub contract certificates must also be certified before they can be matched with a supplier invoice.    

The Post Supplier Invoice sub-process is used to manually enter cost postings on supplier invoices. It is possible to use multicompany functionality for supplier invoices where your company is paying the total invoice, but the purchase costs must be distributed to one or more affiliated companies.

The Authorize Payment Plan sub-process is used to authorize supplier invoices for payment.

The Cancel Supplier Invoice sub-process is used to cancel supplier invoices. Supplier invoice details that do not involve alteration of postings, e.g., payment terms and authorizer, can always be changed. To change details such as amount, invoice number, or supplier, you must cancel the invoice and then re-enter it. The invoice can only be canceled if it is unpaid. When cancellation has taken place, a voucher is created that reverses the postings previously made for the invoice. When this is complete, a dialog box is shown with the voucher number for the created voucher.

External Supplier Invoices on File

This process is used for updating the supplier ledger with supplier invoices created in an external (non-IFS) system.

The standard version does not allow loading of external invoices. This logic must therefore be added to the system at the time of each customer installation.

Follow-up and Analysis, Supplier Invoice

This process includes queries and reports that can be used to find information on suppliers and supplier invoices.

There are a number of reports that can be printed out through the Order Report function.

Before you start entering information, check that Basic Data Required (BDR) has been set up as per instructions in Define Financials Basics, the Set up Basic Data Accounts Payable process.