Cancel Supplier Invoice

Description of process

The Cancel Supplier Invoice process is used to cancel supplier invoices.

To change details such as amount, invoice number, or supplier, you need to cancel the invoice and then re-enter it. The invoice can be canceled only if it is unpaid. If payment has been recorded, the payment must be canceled before the invoice can be canceled.

When cancellation takes place, vouchers are created which reverse the postings previously made for the invoice. If the invoice is posted twice as a preliminary posting and a final posting, two corresponding reversal vouchers are created when canceling the invoice. The invoice is then marked as Canceled in the analysis pages. The invoice number can be reused, i.e., a new invoice can be entered with the number of a canceled invoice. This means that analysis pages will show both invoices having this number but with different versions: one canceled and one current. Note that it is possible to copy manually entered postings from the canceled invoice when entering a new invoice.

When canceling an invoice matched with purchase order lines, all lines matched or connected to this invoice are rolled back. Depending on the type of matching used, the quantity to invoice is treated differently.

Before you start entering information, check that Basic Data Required (BDR) has been set up as per instructions in Define Financials Basics, the Set up Basic Data Accounts Payable process.