Match Supplier Invoice with Sub Contract Payment Certificate

Description of process

The Match Supplier Invoice with Sub Contract Payment Certificate process is used to match received supplier invoices with subcontract payment certificates. Suppliers will submit invoices for a subcontract or a line item of a subcontract only when payment certificates have been issued to the supplier. When the supplier invoice is received, you can match it with the relevant payment certificates using this process.

To match an invoice with payment certificates, you must enter a supplier invoice for the relevant sub contracts, i.e. one or more sub contracts are required to be connected to the invoice you create. The connection is made by entering the sub contract numbers in the Sub Contract Ref field. All payment certificates that have been issued for the specified sub contracts will then be available for matching. You can either select the payment certificates you want to match or match with all the payment certificates available.

It is possible to match the invoice with payment certificates for the total invoice amount or you can separately match with individual invoice lines. When you cancel an invoice that has been matched, all lines matched or connected to this invoice are rolled back.