Time Registration

Time Registration page can be used to register job related hours. Time can be registered on the following activities:

It is possible to do multi-company project time reporting using the same page for project activities that are linked to activities in another project. In addition to the registration of job hours, the page also accounts for registering an employee's absence, overtime, and all other information that forms the basis of her salary. The system can retrieve information about the schedule that is connected to the employee (if any) and display the number of hours that remains to be accounted for. The goal is to have 0 (zero) hours in the Remaining Wage Hours field. (If Automatic Insert of Normal Hours or Clocking Controlled Wage Hours  is used instead of Job Hour Controlled Wage Hours as a time base, this field will be called Remaining Hours).

Both Time Registration Calendar View and Grid View can be used to report job hours.

Note: When a confirmed week is modified, the confirm status will automatically change to Partly Confirmed. The status change will only affect the project hours, and not the attendance hours in IFS/Time & Attendance.

It is also possible to change and confirm project time even if the day is authorized in Time & Attendance as long as the sum of presence hours is not affected. 

In order to view the time reported to project activities that are linked from Multi-Company Project Reporting Activity Link Setup or Project Navigator/Multi-Company Reporting or from both, the following pre requisites must be met:

  1. The company property MCPRENABLE of the relevant company should be set to YES.

  2. The MCPR module should be registered in Time Registration Aware Modules.

In multi-company project reporting, if the reporting user has an activity short name and the report code of the customer company, it is possible to do a reverse lookup for the employee company activity using the List of Values for the customer company activity short name and report code.

Contractors should use the Project option found in the Job Hours functionality to report time, using the purchase order information from which their work request originated. In order to report time by contractors the following conditions must be met:

  1. The company property PRCENABLE of the relevant company should be set to YES.

  2. The Contractor module should be registered in Time Registration Aware Modules.

  3. The reporting contractor should be connected to an employee category with Contractor and Connected to Purchase Order options selected.