This activity is used to view the actions that are generated for an absence registered for employees. Note that absence records are divided into sub periods depending on the configuration defined for absence types and absence groups.
Absence actions linked to a particular absence record may be automatically generated according to the absence functions used in the configuration. Otherwise, absence actions may also be manually linked to absence records. Therefore, the method used to register the action for an employee absence will be indicated by the value in the Action Type field.
You can use the Absence/Absence Action sub page to view all the actions linked to all the absences registered for the employee within a selected year. The Absence/Absence Periods page can be used to view the action linked to selected absence records of the employee. Also, the Employee Absence Actions page can be used to view actions registered for all employees within a selected period.
In order to perform this activity, an absence record should be registered for the employee. Note that actions are generated for absences depending on the function setup defined in the Absence Type/Absence Type page.
There are no system effects.