Identify Employee Training Requirement
This activity is used to identify the training courses that will improve
employee competencies and certificates as required by the employee's job assignments.
You can also directly connect the selected courses to the employee's training
Job Based Training page is used for this purpose. The following important
actions/features can be performed/achieved using this activity:
- Use the Current Primary Assignment option to
search for courses based on the employee's current primary job.
- Use the Current Non-Primary Assignments option to search for
courses based only on the secondary jobs assigned to the employee.
- For the Competency and Certificates gaps which are displayed, Training
Courses that can fill this gap are shown.
- These training courses can be added to the employee's Training Plan.
- In order to perform this activity, training courses are required to
be already registered in the Training Event
- Competencies and Certificates should be defined for Jobs.
- Employee's primary assignments and non-primary assignments should be
System Effects
If the employee is added to a Course it will be reflected in the employee
Training Plans.