Use this activity to get an overview of registered Training Events. Although this page is mainly intended for query purposes the user can use this page to modify training event information or add new Training Events.
The following options can be done using this page:
Note: IFS will send a notification e-mail under the following conditions:
If any training events should be created the following data must already exist in the system:
Required: General Course Information, Training Institute General Info, Training Institute Address, Training Institute Courses, Trainer General Info, Trainer Address, Training Cost Type and Category.
Optional: Course Category, Course Material Category, Training Room Type, Training Room, Training Equipment, Training Room Equipment, Training Evaluation Rating Scale, Training Evaluation Question, Training Evaluation Template, Course Prerequisite, Competency Prerequisite, Knowledge Prerequisite, Trainer Certificate Prerequisite, Course Equipment Requirement, Course Syllabus, Course Material, Course Evaluation, Course Task Prerequisite, Courses to Teach (Trainer), Trainer License and Trainer Training History.
There are no system effects.