Define Resource Type


This activity is used to define the resource types that are valid for your company. Each resource type can be set up with information on the start and end locations for a work shift, maximum travel hours, overtime and snap time per shift, travel profile and costs such as scheduling cost per hour and scheduling cost per overtime hour and whether the lunches for the resource type should be transferred as flexible. The start and end locations are defined by using valid address IDs of the company.

Resource types are connected to the resources and provide the resource with default scheduling information. That is, if no resource specific data has been entered for a resource, the resource will inherit the scheduling data, i.e., scheduling cost, travel parameters and start and end locations, from the resource type. Active flag can be used to disable or enable a resource type. Only the active resource types are possible to connect for a resource. For more information refer to the activity Define Scheduling Resource.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the resource types for a company are defined. These resource types are connected to the resources.