Create Class


This activity is used to create a class in order to group  similar type of design objects or design parts in a plant structure. A class is always specific to a given engineering standard and behaves accordingly. Primarily, a class can be created as a Design Object Class, Design Part Class or both. In addition, classes assign class relations, properties, ID models, ID separators and technical classes, among others.

Class name should be unique to the given standard without having any following characters: ' (apostrophe), & (AND), \ (backslash). Class Identifier on the other hand, serves as a unique internal reference across sites that may use differing languages.The addition of a parent class on the class makes it possible to create class structures, which will later enable the class of a design object to be changed. The inclusion of equipment related information such as Object Level, Object Type and Milestone information on the class, can also be reused as default values in equipment administration and project connection activities respectively.

If IFS/Linear Asset is installed, the option for Linear Asset will be available. Choosing the Linear Asset option and the Design Object Class option enables the creation of a linear asset when creating a design object. If a class is of linear asset type it is not possible to enter Object Type and Object Level.

It is possible to run this activity on Class, Classes or Standard pages.


A standard must be defined.

System Effects

A design object class or a linear asset class is created in Asset Design.