This activity is used to create a purchase requisition for a design object, to be received by IFS/Purchasing. From there, the requisition can be further processed and the corresponding items can be received into inventory. Each purchase requisition requires the definition of Site and Wanted Receipt Date. Documents may accompany the requisition. All design object additional parts, which are of the same site selected above, will create separate requisition lines updated with the additional parts' purchase quantity. A purchase order can be created upon the release of a purchase requisition.
This activity can be performed for single or multiple design objects on Design Object/Design Objects pages by accessing Create Purchase Requisition sub command inside the Procument command group. On the Create Purchase Requisition page, header field entries will be reused on all slected objects by default. However, it is possible to modify values for the wanted receipt date and buyer for an individual object,if required.
Select the Add Document option to attach the document(s) to a corresponding purchase requisition line. Documents available for an additional part are those documents that have been connected to the object, the additional part as well as those connected to the belongs to design part, if any.