Manage Audit Findings and Close the Audit


This activity is used to manage the audit findings and close the audit. The procedure to close the audit usually differs depending on if any non conformances were identified during the audit or not. If no non conformances were reported the audit status is updated to Closed by clicking Close. If one or more non conformances were reported the process of closing the audit usually runs in conjunction with the non conformance report process. After the associated non conformance report correction actions have been defined, enter a CA agreed date in Details section and then click Agree Correction Action to update the audit status to CA Agreed. After the associated non conformance report correction actions have been verified, the audit status should be updated to CA Completed. To do that, first enter a CA completion date and then click Complete Correction Action. Finally, when the associated non conformance report correction actions have been verified and closed, click Close to update the audit status to Closed.

Note: It is possible to close the audit directly regardless of if the associated non conformance reports have been closed or not.


Audit findings must have been entered and the audit must be in the Completed status.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the audit findings are managed and the audit status is updated to Closed.