View and Analyze Audit Chart


This activity is used to view and analyze audit information graphically. To analyze the audit information different types of setting and filter combinations can be applied in any order. It is possible to save a specific chart filter setting by clicking Save Filter, adding information about the chart filter and then clicking OK. If Global is enabled, the saved chart filter will be available for all users. Otherwise, if Global is disabled, the filter will be only available for the user who created the filter. To apply a saved chart filter, click Apply Predefined Filter, choose the filter and click Finish.

In the Settings section:

  1. The audits can be grouped in different ways, by selecting an item in the list of values (LOV) picker in the field Grouped By.
  2. The date range is defined by the values entered in the date fields From Date and To Date using the date picker.
  3. The Draw Chart setting is used to define if the audit chart should display the selected date range as:
  4. The audit data can be presented in different type of charts. Which chart to use is defined using the Type field. The Pie chart option can only be selected if aggregated chart data is displayed.
  5. If the chart data is displayed yearly or quarterly it is possible to select whether the Stacked setting should be enabled or disabled.

In the Filter section:

The content in the chart can be filtered depending on different attrubutes by selecting one or more items in the list of values (LOV) pickers in the fields Status, Business Area ID, Audit Type ID, Authority ID, Focus Type, Company and Site.


System Effects
