Finish Maintenance Event


This activity is used to finish a maintenance event (i.e., pending event, convenience task). Additional information, such as, the work performed, resources and material used, post maintenance check information, functional breakdown for faults and rename information for modification, must be defined before the event can be finished. Furthermore, sign off must have been performed if sign off requirements have been defined on the event. If this information has already been entered on the event, you can directly set the event to finished by clicking Finish on the Finish Maintenance Event assistant. If this information has not been entered, you can enter the relevant data in the different steps of the assistant when finishing the event.

For fault events, the number of required levels in the functional breakdown will be controlled by an object property setting. For more information on object properties, refer to the activity Verify/Adjust Default Object Properties.

This activity can be used to finish a modification event, where the modification being completed introduces one or more new structure positions into a template structure or removes an existing structure position from the template structure. When a new structure position is added to a template structure as a result of a modification, an empty structure position will be added automatically to the serial structure for which the modification is embodied. If an existing structure position has become invalid as a result of the modification, this structure position will be removed from the template when the modification is embodied. When this is done, the empty structure position that corresponds with the removed position will be removed automatically from the serial structure for which the modification is embodied. Empty structure positions are used to indicate where expected serials or parts are missing from a serial structure.

If pre-posting is required, code part information must have been defined on the serial. Code part information consists of the cost center and object. Code parts will be retrieved from the serial for which the event is distributed, for the applicable company. For more information, refer the online help file Code Part Information. The defined code part information can be viewed in the Pre Posting dialog.

The events that are distributed as a simplified work order will be handled in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management. However, transactions are created automatically in IFS/Work Order Management through which tracking of financial transactions is made possible.

If a modification event leading to a part identity change exists and this modification has the execution type Terminating Action, the assigned and/or affected serial will be renamed to include the new part number and revision once the modification is embodied. In order to perform the automatic renaming of a serial once the event is embodied, the new part number and revision for the serial must have been entered on the modification (i.e., in the Change to Part Number and Change to Part Revision fields). Furthermore, when the modification event is embodied, the system will perform a check to validate the following information before renaming the serial:

When the part number is changed on a serial, the template information on the serial is often changed as well and will automatically be updated. If the serial has a structure and the old template information for the structure of the serial does not match the new template structure information, the operational condition of the serial will be set to Non Operational when renamed. When the template information is valid for both the old and new part numbers, the operational condition of the new serial will be the same as the operational condition on the old serial. You can choose to update the operational log history, replacement history as well as other history records with the new part number.

To perform this activity, open the Manage Maintenance Order/Included Events tab, click options and set the event Status to Finish. The Finish Maintenance Event assistant opens. Note: This procedure can also be performed from the Manage Maintenance Event page.

Following is a description of the information that can be entered in each assistant step.

If the distribution type is Simplified Work Order:

Note: By using this assistant, you will be completing the event without transferring it to an IFS Maintenance site. When you sign off an event, the system creates a work order with a single work task in the background and adds given resource and material information. The work order and task, still in the background, is set to Started and the reported hours are reported on the work task and authorized. If consumed material was reported, the material will be issued from inventory. The status of the work order and task is changed to Finished, at which time information, such as resource and material cost, is transferred back to the event in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management. If the event is directly moved to history, serial order history will be updated with the relevant information.

If the distribution type is Work Order or Execution Logic Structure:


The following prerequisites exist when entering detail information on an event:

System Effects