Spread Contract Change Order Forecast Amount
Cost/revenue spreading is usually done on a forecast line if the ETC cost/revenue
needs to be distributed into specific time periods when they are most likely
to occur. It will be possible to spread cost/revenue into accounting periods
manually as well as to get assistance with distributing the forecasted amount
using pre-defined spreading profiles. The pre-defined spreading profiles include
linear and s-curve spread. You can also select if amount columns should be shown
for one (base) or more currencies (if multicurrency budgeting and forecasting
is enabled for the project).
Spread type can be selected as Manual or Profile for the particular forecast
line depending on the requirement.
- Manual: Enables manual entry and distribution of costs/revenue
for each of the spread periods.
- Profile: Produces a linear or nonlinear distribution of cost/revenue
among the periods using a predefined spread profile.
When spreading with Profile, select one of the following
- Use Spread Profile from Line: Spreads cost/revenue as defined
on the budget/forecast line.
- Override Spread Profile on Line: Enables the selection and entry
of spread profiles different from those defined on the forecast line.
- A contract change order forecast line with an ETC amount should exist.
System Effects
- The ETC amount is spread over the accounting periods between (and including)
Start Date and End Date.
- The Spread Profile indicator shows if the cost/revenue has been
spread into accounting periods.
- The ETC Spread Date Exception Indicates if there are amounts
spread outside the Start Date and End Date.
- If the Start Date and End Date are not specified, the
system will retrieve them from the Project Work Breakdown Structure based
on the start and end dates of the project, sub project and activity of the
forecast line.