Create New Revision


Use this activity to create a new revision for an existing document. Selecting the Create New Revision command opens the Create New Revision assistant that will guide you through the process of defining a new revision, and copying parts of the old revision to the new revision. 

By enabling following options data will be copied to the new revision.

If the old revision has connected objects, those object connections can be moved to the new revision.

 you can update object connections from the old document revisions to the new document revision by selecting the Select option for that object connection's row. This means that the object connection will be removed from a previous revision and moved to the current revision based on the value in the Update Revision field:

Use the Select All Possible button to select the Select option for all object connections which are possible to update on the document revision.
Use the Select Default button to reset the value of the Select option for all object connections according to the default configuration.

If the number of connected objects is greater than the limit for object connections to display in the assistant (LMT_OBJ_CON_SHOW_WIZARD value in Document Default Values), you can select whether the default configuration should be used or whether all or none of the object connections should be moved.

If the option Keep/Move them according to the Update Revision value is selected, the connections will be moved according to the settings in the Update Revision field as given below.

If the option  Keep/Move them according to the Update Revision value, including fixed and unlocked connections is selected, all possible object connections will be moved to the document revision, except for the connections with following update revision type and connection status:


If the old revision is a structure document, the new revision can replace the old revision within the structure.


System Effects