Print Customer Payment Proposal


The Print Customer Payment Proposal activity is used for printing the direct debiting proposal with detailed information about included customer invoices, currencies and amounts.

Enable the Exclude Payment Method option if you want to exclude printing the payment method on the report and if it is not required to order the report based on the payment method. Note: If this option is not selected then the payment address information cannot be printed in the report and the report cannot be grouped by the payment address presentation.

Enable the Exclude Payment Address Information option if you want to exclude printing the payment address information in the report and if you do not want to group the payment order by the payment address presentation.


This activity requires that a direct debiting proposal exists. The payment address presentation should be defined first if you want to print the direct debiting proposal grouped by the payment address presentation and also if you want to include the payment address information in the printed report.

System Effects

This entry does not cause any system effects.