View and Analyze Business Opportunity Pipeline Chart


This activity is used to view and analyze the business opportunity pipeline. The pipeline data can be presented in different type of charts. In the Chart Configurations section you define which chart type to use and how the chart should be grouped (the X-Value). The Y-value field is used to define if the pipeline chart should display the number of opportunities, the opportunity value, the contribution margin or the average time in pipeline for the opportunities.

The Date Filter section is used to define the date range for the pipeline chart and which opportunity date should be considered for the date range.

The Draw Chart field is used to define if the pipeline chart should display the selected date range as aggregated, yearly, quarterly or monthly.

The Filter section is used to filter the chart data by applying opportunity attribute value filters.

It is possible to save the current date range and content filter settings as a saved configuration.


At least one business opportunity must exist.

System Effects

There are no system effects.