Enter Matching Identifiers in External Payment Parameters


This activity is used to enter matching identifiers in external payment parameters. The matching identifiers are used in the external interface for payments to search for invoices and/or issued checks and to match the payment with the ledger items found. The matching of an issued check is possible for supplier check items and customer repayment check items. The matching identifiers can also be used for direct cash payments in order to complete such transaction automatically with the manual posting by using the pseudo code identifier type.

The identifiers are defined per payment method and are used for payment transactions from an external file which has been imported with this payment method. A unique ID is entered for each row as the identifier ID defines the order in which the identifiers are used when matching. Invoices of another company can also be matched for the payment if you specify in the identifier row another company than the payment company in which you will import the external file. If you want to complete a direct cash transaction with a manual posting against another company, you can define the identifier of type Pseudo Code with another company too.

You can determine which data from the matching reference are relevant to be checked for possible matching of the payment. You select if the whole payment file line should be analyzed or only a reference field, that is automatically prepared with selected information. You can setup various parameters for the data extraction, which are:

An additional character string in the identifier allows you to control, that an identifier is used for the matching only if this additional character string is included in the payment file line.

The matching identifiers will be disregarded for an external payment transaction,

In the table below you can see the identifier types used to search for the information in IFS/Financials.

Identifier Type Information in IFS/Financials Series ID
InvoiceNo Customer Invoice/Installments, identified by using the invoice number from the matching reference which exists for the specified Series ID. Requires invoice series ID
CustomerNo Customer Invoice/Installments which belongs to the identified customer number from the matching reference. N/A
BankAccount Customer Invoice/Installments which belongs to the customer, identified by using the bank account number from the matching reference. N/A
IdentifierReference Customer Invoice/Installments which belongs to the customer, identified by using the identifier reference from the matching reference. N/A
AssociationNo Customer Invoice/Installments which belongs to the customer, identified by using the AssociationNo from the matching reference. N/A
PaymentReference Customer Invoice/Installments, identified by using the payment reference from the matching reference. N/A
PaymentDocNo Supplier Checks or Customer Repayment Checks, identified by using the check number from the matching reference. Optional, if specified, the search includes only check items for the specified series ID.
PseudoCode Pseudo Codes, identified by using the pseudo code from the matching reference. The code parts, text and process code of the pseudo code are applied to the manual posting. N/A
SelfBillingReference Customer Invoice/Installments, identified by using the self billing reference from the matching reference. N/A

Note: The matching reference can be the Original File Info field or the Prepared Reference field which are displayed in External Payment Details page.

You can enter several rows in the matching identifier which belong to different identifier types. Identifier types which are used to create the same type of matching, e.g. a customer invoice matching, are automatically combined. If you want to use matching identifier types related to basic data (e.g. BankAccount), you need to include the identifier type to search for invoices too.

The example below is a possible setup to match the customer invoices of customers, which are identified by its bank account.

Identifier ID Identifier Type Series ID Length Interval From Interval To Effect for the matching
100 BankAccount N/A 10 1000000000 9000000000 A customer number is identified by using the bank account, if the external file contains the customer's bank account, in the specified length and covered by the interval.
200 InvoiceNo II 7 9700000 9799999 The invoice number is identified by using the invoice number, if the external file contains the invoice number and the invoice belongs to the customer found for identifier ID 100.

To enter matching identifiers:

  1. Open the External Payment Parameters page.
  2. Search for the external payment parameters for which you want to enter identifiers.
  3. Click the Definition of Identifiers tab and create a new record.
  4. The Company field displays by default the current company, and you can change it to another company, if you want to match the payment with invoices or pseudo codes of the other company. If you want to match the payment with issued checks using this identifier, the company can only be the same as the current company.
  5. Select a value from the list for the Identifier Type field to specify which information in IFS/Financials should be checked with the extracted information from the external file.
  6. Enter in the Series ID field the invoice series or select it from the List of Values, if the Identifier Type is set to Invoice Number. If you have selected PaymentDocNo for the Identifier Type in order to match the payment with issued checks, you can enter a payment document series ID which is either of type Supplier Check or Customer Repayment Check, but you can it leave it empty too. In this case, both customer repayment checks and supplier checks are considered by the matching.
  7. Enter in the Label field the character string to find the relevant characters that should be extracted from the external file, E.g. the content of the external file is INVOICE 12345. The character string INVOICE is the label whereas the relevant characters to extract are 12345 which could be the invoice number. The label is optional parameter. The label is case sensitive in order to consider uppercase and lowercase in the file.
  8. Enter in the Length field the number of consecutive characters that should be extracted from the external file stepwise and checked against the Interval From and Interval To fields of the identifier, if an interval is specified.
  9. Enter in the Interval From field the minimum value of an extracted information to be used for the search.
  10. Enter in the Interval To field the maximum value of an extracted information to be used for the search.
  11. Enter in the Additional Identifier field, the character string which must be included in the payment file line in order to use the identifier for the matching. The additional identifier is optional. The additional identifier is case sensitive in order to consider uppercase and lowercase in the file.
  12. Enter in the Identifier Format field the format that should used to check the information extracted from the file, if applicable.
  13. Select the Use Prepared Reference option, if the prepared reference of the payment transaction should be analyzed by the matching. If the option is not selected the full line of the external file will be analyzed by the matching.
  14. Select a value from the list for the Transaction Type field, if you want to override the transaction type of the payment transaction. The selected transaction type will be used for the transaction if the payment is successfully matched.
  15. Save the information.


In order to perform this activity, the external payment parameters must exist for the payment method. If you want to enter identifiers to match payments with invoices of another company, you must be connected to this other company.

System Effects

As a result of this activity,