Use this activity to add new translations or to modify existing translations of company related attributes.
When a company is created, then all available translations in either the
source company or in the source company template are defined for the new
company. The basic idea is to support
translations of texts related to data that can be a part of a Company Template,
i.e., mainly descriptions or
other similar type of texts.
There are some exceptions where the translation handling supports Logical Units
that are not part of the Create Company concept.
The company translation database is a part of the IFS/Enterprise component and can be accessed and used by essentially any component. On-line modification/addition of translations can be done in the Company Attribute Translations page.
Note the following:
- If a translation in the current language exists, then this translation will be modified,
- If a translation in the current language does not exist, then "PROG" entry will be modified.
- Try to find the translation in the current language for the attribute key.
- If not found, use the current text, e.g. a description, stored in the Logical Unit.
A company must be available, either created in a fresh installation or
created in a previous release and upgraded to the current release.
The main benefit of the company translations is that translatable texts related to basic data in a company can be described in several languages in the same database. The translations will, for example, in basic data windows, always be displayed in current language.