Generate RFID Tag IDs and Upload to iRAPT Report


Use this activity to generate RFID tag IDs in Defense RFID Information page and upload them to the RFID tab in Defense iRAPT Report page.

It is a requirement of Department of Defense (DoD) for their suppliers to generate RFID tags and affix passive RFID tags at case (shipping and exterior containers) and pallet (palatized unit load) level for shipment of specific commodities sent to specific locations.

The RFID tag IDs are generated for the handling units at Shipment Handling Unit Structure page. The Defense RFID Information page has the handling units which are added in the Shipment Handling Unit Structure page and RFID tag IDs are generated there.

To generate RFID tag IDs, the RFID Serial No and Object Type should have information.

As default the RFID serial number is equal to the handling unit ID and it is possible to add a RFID serial number manually as well. The Handling unit ID is a unique ID in the application and If the RFID serial number is added manually then the serial number should be less than or equal to 68719476736 (2^36 binary value).

The object types are defied in the ‘United States Department of Defense Suppliers’ Passive RFID Information Guide (Version 15.0)’.

Object Type (mentioned as Filter)

These three object types are inserted as Handling Unit Categories at Handling Unit Categories page. If Handling Unit Type is from one of above categories, then system will automatically fetch the Object Type. If not the Object Type should be selected before generating the RFID tag ID.

When RFID Serial No and Object Type has values, the Generate RFID Tag ID command is enabled.

If the parts are packed in to the handling units at the time of RFID Tag ID generation, the RFID Tag ID will be uploaded to the RFID tab at Defnese iRAPT Report. If parts are packed after generating the RFID Tag ID, it will not be included to the RFID tab automatically and it will be indicated as NO in Included in Report column. It is possible to include the RFID Tag ID by selecting the Include in Report option.

The command will generate the RFID Tag ID using folowing steps according to ‘United States Department of Defense Suppliers’ Passive RFID Information Guide (Version 15.0)’.

RFID Tag ID is built by combining the following fields;

Example from Above:

Header Filter CAGE Code RFID Serial No
8 bits 4 bits 48 bits 36 bits

In the final step, the 96 bit binary value will be converted into a hexadecimal format.The result will be a 24 character ID that will be placed in the RFID Tag ID column for each Handling Unit ID (which will always begin with 2F due to the fixed value for the DOD identifier)


System Effects

As a result of this activity: