Evaluate and Add LLP Events to Work Scope


This activity is used to add LLP events (i.e., the maintenance events which are to be performed on Life Limited Parts) to the work scope. This is the work scope which is created for your overhaul object, e.g., aircraft engine.

To add LLP events to a work scope, click Assign Events to Work Scope in the Manage Work Scope Events page. In the Life Limited Parts step of the assistant, select the required operational parameter from the list of valid values. All possible operational parameters for all LLP parts in the overhaul object's structure will be displayed in the list. If a minimum release life is specified for the operational parameter in the baseline, it will be retrieved automatically to the Minimum Release Life field. Adjust the default value if needed or enter the required minimum remaining days and click Evaluate Events. The list will be populated with all valid LLP events for the overhaul object's structure. Note: When you click Evaluate, the system performs an evaluation of all LLPs in the given structure. If you have specified a minimum release life value, the system only evaluates the LLPs that have the selected operational parameter. However, if a value is specified in the Minimum Remaining Days field instead, the system will evaluate the LLPs for all available operational parameters.

Following options can be used to include LLP events to the work scope:


System Effects