Define Object Clusters


This activity is used to define the Object Clusters. Object Clusters needed in the process of grouping obstructive maintenance activities in Dynamic Work Planning & Scheduling solution.

Object Clusters are defined per Site basis. Each cluster is associated with a Resource Grouping Incentive and a Resource Continuing Incentive.

IFS Advanced Optimization & Scheduling engine, which is the back end of DWP solution tries to plan work in a way that increases the value of the total scheduling outcome. Cluster IDs and configuring the base values of work tasks and PM actions (using Work Type, Priority and Object Criticality) need to be kept in mind when setting incentives. Very high incentives for clustering compared to base values of work may result in the scheduling tool focusing on clustering work excessively. This may result in critical work not getting planned immediately resulting in them being grouped with none critical work belonging to same cluster. Very low incentives for clustering compared to the base values may result in not achieving the appropriate level of clustering.


It is necessary to have the importance of clustering for different types of work evaluated when entering incentives.

System Effects

DWP Object Clusters are available and can be defined for Equipment Objects.