Move FA Object


This activity is used to move a fixed asset. For example, enter information in the system where an object (balance code string) is moved from one cost center to another cost center or, where an object's acquisition account can be moved from construction in progress to an account for completed assets. A move can also be necessary after an object has been replaced by another object with another acquisition account. Moving fixed assets is normally done in the Fixed Asset Object page, but if you want to move several fixed assets at the same time will you have to use the Fixed Asset Objects page. It is also possible to move a fixed asset when carrying out the fixed assets physical counting process or when performing a acquisition for a lease object, then you make the move operation in the Register Object Physical Count Result page or Lease Accounting Contract page respectively.

When the move is performed select the Acquisition step if you want a new code string to be created based on the general acquisition value valid for all books. If you want to create a new code string for acquisition value adjustments per book, select the Acquisition Value Adjustment step. Select the Depreciation step to create a new code string based on the accumulated depreciation amount.

Select the Unique Code String command if the objects are having the same string combination for a code part(s).

Note: Move of acquisition code string will depend on the selection of Allow Multiple Acquisition Code Strings option in Company/Fixed Assets page, you can enter more than one code string combination in the New Values table if the option is selected. If not can you only enter one acquisition account in the New Values table



Before you move a fixed asset, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a new code string and/or a transaction reason is entered for the object for acquisition value, the acquisition value adjustments per book or for depreciation charged.