Simulate Postings


This activity is used to simulate postings for planned depreciation. The postings are simulated based on the posting rules defined for FAP5 and FAP6 posting types. It is also possible to allow the system to simulate the postings by default instead of carrying out this activity. This can be done by enabling the Simulate Postings option in the Create Depreciation Plan  dialog box at the time of creating the depreciation plan, or by selecting the Simulate Postings for Planned Depreciation  check box for a book in the Fixed Assets Books page in order to simulate postings by default for all depreciation plans connected to it.

However, if the Fixed Asset book is not set up to simulate postings the depreciation plan status can be changed to Posted or PostedBatch.

Instant stimulation of postings can be done by selecting the command button Simulate Postings. Similarly, it can be done in batch by selecting Simulate Postings in Batch command button.

To instantly post without simulation or to post in batch without simulation, follow the same procedure as mentioned above and then click Yes on the information message. This can be done only for books not setup for simulation.


In order to perform this activity, a depreciation plan with the Created status must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the status of the depreciation plan would change as follows.

Method Depreciation Plan Status
If postings are simulated instantly PostingsSimulated
If postings are simulated in batch PostingsBatchSimulated
If the plan is posted instantly Posted
If the plan is posted in batch PostedBatch