Enter Deduction Rule


The Enter Deduction Rule activity is used to create new, view existing, modify and remove deduction rules via the Deduction Rules page. Deduction rules are tied together in Deduction Groups via the Deduction Group Details.

Enter the new ID in the Deduction Rule field. Choose rule type Gross Amount Percent, Net Amount Percent, Reduced Gross Amount Percent, Reduced Net Amount Percent, or Absolute Amount from the drop down list in the Deduction Rule Type field. Enter Description, Value, and enable the Tax Reduction toggle if the tax should be reduced based on the deduction amount. Enable the Deductions Taxable toggle if the deductions made using the deduction rule should be taxable.

(Note: It is not possible to enable both the Tax Reduction option and the Deductions Taxable option for a deduction rule.)

Deductions are used based on payments of customer invoices. It is not possible to remove a Deduction Rule used in a Deduction Group.

It can also be used to connect deduction rules of a selected deduction group with the deduction identifiers from an external file template. The purpose of this is to link the deduction amounts from the external file with the related deduction rules from IFS cloud.



System Effects

As a result of this entry, you can attach Deduction Rules to a Deduction Group via the Deduction Group Details section of Deduction Groups page.