Enter or Modify Interest Template


This activity is used to enter and change interest templates to be used for interest proposals.

Each customer/supplier should be linked to an Interest Template. When a new customer/supplier is entered, a default template is proposed. This can be changed to another template. Interest and fine applies to invoices when payments are delayed. The Interest and Fine at Payment tab of the Interest Templates page specifies the interest and fine rates and the number of tolerance days that will be used to calculate interest and fine. An interest calculation method is specified, which will determine how the interest rate is used to calculate interest for late payments. When a payment is delayed, the rates specified in the interest template connected to that customer/supplier is defaulted to the invoice. 

The information entered in the Interest Invoicing when Due/Paid tab of the Interest Templates page is used to calculate interest for customer payments by creating a separate interest proposal.

When creating an interest invoice/note for a customer, there are three different ways of choosing what applies from the date of interest calculation. One way specifies interest to be calculated as soon as the invoice is fully paid. The calculation is based on a specified number of days compared to the invoice due date.

Another way of calculating interest is based on the invoice due ('as from') date specified for interest calculation. As soon as an invoice has passed its due date, interest is calculated. The reminder date used for calculation is then used as the starting date for any further reminders.

It is also possible to calculate interest for an invoice when a partial payment has been made after the due date. Interest on a partially  paid invoice will be based on the amount paid after the last interest calculation date.

Different methods of calculating interest on an invoice can be combined. If you choose fixed interest rate, the interest rate stays the same for calculating penalty interest. The interest rate can be changed when needed. You can also specify that the interest rate can be increased after a certain number of days.

Modification is only possible for existing interest templates. New interest templates can be entered at any time.

To enter a new interest template:

To enter interest calculation terms for customer payment:

To enter calculation terms for interest and fine for payment:


There are no prerequisites for this activity.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, one or more interest templates with various interest rates can be used within the system.