Enter or Modify Reminder Templates


This activity is used to enter reminder templates via the Reminder Templates page. All customers entered should be linked to a reminder template. Reminder templates are used for creating reminders on outstanding balances. When a customer is entered for the first time, a default template is provided. Only one template can be the default template, but it can be replaced by another. When a new customer invoice is entered, the reminder template entered for the customer is automatically linked to the invoice. Changing a reminder template does not change individual invoices previously entered. If there is a need to update reminder template for open invoices, the function can be used in Customer/Payment page. Use the reminder template you define instructions on how open items are loaded into the reminder proposal. You can connect up to 99 reminder levels with associated text to a single reminder template. You can select several print options to meet specific needs regarding content and structure of the reminder printout.


The entry of a reminder template requires that IFS/Payment is installed. A new template can be entered at anytime.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a new reminder templates can be used for sending reminders for outstanding customer invoices and balances. When a new reminder proposal is created, the due open items connected to the reminder template will be loaded into the reminder proposal according to the parameter specified in the reminder template. The reminder is printed with content and structure as defined in the print options.