Enter Miscellaneous Customer Info


This activity is used to enter invoicing methods for a customer, and to set up defaults for customer order type and supply chain information for an internal customer. This includes defining either normal or collective invoices, internal customer information, expiration date, and output settings. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent personnel.

Normal invoicing is used when each order is invoiced, regardless of whether it is partially or completely delivered. Collective invoicing is used when the customer is periodically invoiced, e.g., monthly, or group deliveries based on a specified number of days and invoiced as a batch. You can also specify the manner in which collective invoices should be created, based on the closing dates of a month.

You can specify that a certain number of copies of the delivery note are to be printed for a customer. You can enter any number of copies from 0 to 99. The value 2, for example, means that one original of the delivery note and two copies will be printed.

If the items on one order line ordered by a customer are sourced from several sourcing alternatives, each source line will eventually create a new order line. The Summarize Sourced Order Lines option indicates whether the customer wants to see all order lines originating from one order line on the documents sent, or if these order lines should be summarized. The Summarize Sourced Order Lines option only applies for order confirmation. If the sourced order lines have the same line no, delivery date, price, and discount, they will be summarized.

When using internal order handling or inventory refilling, the sites that execute internal orders are defined as internal customers and the order type must be defined. The order type determines the order processing flow. The Replicate Document Texts field defines whether or not the document texts should be replicated to the pegged objects upon release of the customer order and transferred to the supply site for inter-site orders.

You can specify that the deliveries should be confirmed on the order lines of a customer order by selecting the Confirm Deliveries option.

For customer order deliveries which are not made via the shipment, you can specify if the handling unit information should be unattached or not at the customer order delivery. You can select different options from Handling Unit at CO Delivery dropdown list.    


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

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