Create Collective Invoice 


A collective invoice is a summary invoice containing more than one customer order to the same customer. This is useful when several customer orders are delivered together. It is also used if you have an agreement with your customer to bill at regular time intervals, e.g., once a month. 

You can create collective invoices even if the orders have different terms for delivery, mode of transportation, etc. The charges for the invoice (excluding the charges that exist only in in the customer order header with no order lines) can be invoiced before the order is delivered or partially delivered, if they are not connected to a specific line in the invoice.

If the invoice includes rental lines the requirement for creating the invoice is that the rental events and rental transactions should have been created. The rental invoice line is based on the rental transactions and not on the delivery of goods so the status of the customer order rental line must be Reserved, Picked, Partially Delivered or Delivered. Rental invoice lines can be handled together with sales lines on the same invoice. Delivery confirmation is not handled for a rental line and is not required in order to create an invoice.

When creating a collective invoice, you can choose whether to include all available orders or only selected ones. Note that collective invoices for lines delivered via shipment are also created here.

If the total gross amount for a Jinsui customer order exceeds the specified maximum amount, the invoice will not be created. To proceed with the invoice creation, one or more order lines can be blocked from invoicing to bring the total gross amount within the required limit. 


System Effects