Reprint Original/Modified Customer Invoice


In cases where a customer invoice has already been printed, it is possible to reprint the same (original) or modified versions of the invoice.


To reprint the original, the customer Invoice must have been printed via the Print Invoice right mouse button option on the customer invoice header. The number of copies to be printed may be indicated on the Customer/Invoice/General tab.

To reprint the modified customer invoice, the customer invoice must have been either printed or sent via EDI or MHS. The number of copies to be printed must be indicated in the Copy No field of the Reprint Invoice dialog box that appears.

System Effects

Reprint Original: The original invoice is obtained from the report archive, and printed again. No postings are created.

Reprint Modified: The original or copy will be printed, depending on the option you selected in the dialog box. If the Duplicate option is enabled, the word Duplicate will be printed on the copy or original.