Print Instant Invoice


The Print Instant Invoice activity is used for printing instant invoices. If the invoice has installments, this activity will also print all the information about the installments. After printing, the physical invoice is sent to the customer. You can also print a work copy of the invoice using the same activity. Thus you will get a printout of the invoice with the invoice ID created from it’s preliminary series ID and number series.  As long as only the work copy of the invoice is printed, you can change its information. This activity of printing work copies of the invoice can be repeated until the invoice is printed. After printing, a correction invoice can be created and printed if corrections are to be made.

If an error arises in connection with printing so that a voucher cannot be created, incorrect voucher lines can be seen via Customer Invoice Postings Analysis. When the error has been corrected, a voucher must then be created in Voucher page.


In order to perform this activity, an invoice of the Preliminary status should exist.

System Effects

Printing an invoice creates a voucher in the hold table pending updating in IFS/Accounting Rules. The vouchers are also given their final identities. The voucher is posted as follows:

If the invoice created is an advance invoice, it will be posted as follows:

When an instant invoice is printed, it's invoice status changes to PostedAuth (i.e. unless one or more posting errors occur, in which case, the status of the invoice will be Printed). The send status of the invoice will change to Printed.

If the Set Invoice Date to Current Date when Printing Outgoing Invoices option is enabled on the Enterprise/Company/Invoice tab, the invoice date will be automatically updated to the date you print the instant invoice.